Since starting Hollyville on October 6, 2017, as the founder, I’ve had my passion on retro and vintage inspired fashion. It has continued to be what brings me much joy, not only for myself, but seeing joy on the faces of my many excited and happy customers when they find something that they love. It is so satisfying to be able to share in the joy and with others that have similar interests.
Throughout these past few years, I have been juggling a busy balance of working my full-time day job at a childcare center and pursuing Hollyville on nights and weekends. I've managed it well for quite a while, but finally made the realization that it's time for me to take the plunge, and follow my inner entrepreneur. Everything is coincidentally coming in full circle, as October 6, 2021 (Hollyville's 4 year anniversary) will be my last day at the childcare center. I'm extremely happy to announce that I will now be able to pursue Hollyville full-time and dedicate my time into my very own business, my pride and joy.

This means, I'll be open Monday-Saturday and Sunday by appointment, including some evening hours as well during the week. I'll be updating hours by month to month, as they may not be consistent. I'll still be making a point to attend classic car shows and vending events. These events will be included in the calendar, which means the shop in South Milwaukee will be closed during that time. I'll truly be a small one-woman business, but if you know me, I'll still be bringing my mom along for all the fun and adventures along the way.

You will be able to find hours that I'll be open at the bottom of my website at Here's a look at what it will look like for the month of October.
During my open hours, this will also allow more time for my own sewing projects, as I still very much enjoy participating in all the pinup and vintage inspired fashion shows, whether it be for Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend or A Retro Affair Fashion Show.
I know that there will still be it's challenges and it's not always going to be smooth sailing, but I'm so thankful to all of my family, friends, customers, and most of all, my amazing husband for all the support. Without you all, this would not be possible, so thanks to everyone!

Bonnie Holly | Hollyville vendor booth at Nashville Boogie Vintage Weekender 2018 | Crop Top by Hollyville

"If you follow your passion, you'll never work a day in your life." Tony Bennett